On 15th August 2017, the new Charlie Field Compression Station (FCS) produced the first gas through the plant.
It was the last major project to be sanctioned by the BG Group Board back in November 2015 with great support from industry partners CNOOC and Tokyo Gas. During the project commencement, it was one of the largest infrastructure projects in Queensland – sending a strong message to the Australian government about the confidence everyone involved in this project has in the industry.
Project Charlie ensures that there is a continuing natural gas supply to both domestic market and export customers while protecting jobs in regional areas of Queensland. Not just that, this project created more than 1,600 jobs during construction on top of providing business opportunities for local contractors.
This wonderful achievement is only possible due to the dedication and commitment of a very large workforce. The entire team from QGC Upstream Projects, Wells, and IAPS organisations are involved, as well as Operations and Development team from Access.
It also involved major contractors such as CPB, MPC, BLJ In-situ Solutions and more. This large yet cohesive workforce has overcome many hurdles right from the start, and with such a gallant effort has combined industry expertise and tremendous effort to complete the site into an operating asset.
An inspired decision to design and build a pipeline connecting the Charlie field to the Polaris Compression Station was made to eliminate flaring during the early de-watering phase of the project. This decision allows approximately 6 billion cubic feet (BCF) of gas to be produced and exported ahead of FCS start-up while eliminating the flaring of more than 300,000 tonnes of CO2 compared to the start-up on previous projects.
The project was completed three weeks ahead of schedule and $200 million under budget, on top of 180 days injury-free leading up to start up. This incredible performance is a huge credit to everyone involved in this monumental project. BLJ In-situ Solutions is proud to be an active participant of this project and we look forward to being involved in more engineering projects of this scale.