iPipe / CSG Engineering
Strathblane Origin Site, QLD
Our client, iPipe / CSG Engineering requested in-situ machining services at the Strathblane Origin GPF site 1.5 hours from Roma in central Queensland.
The Strathblane GPF to Spring Gully GPF Line is a transmission pipeline owned by Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG), which is a joint venture between Origin Energy, ConocoPhillips and Sinopec.
The Strathblane GPF to Spring Gully GPF Line connects the Strathblane Gas Processing Facility (GPF) with the Spring Gully GPF.
BLJ In-situ Solutions was required to machine compressor baseplate pads on-site. We were tasked with machining the new welded on pads.
BLJ sent a team of four expert technicians to set up an on-site XY Milling Machine. Our team made up a bespoke frame for the XY mill to sit on, welded to the compressor skid and new pads machined to levels as requested by our client.
The task took our specialist team of four technicians four shifts to complete.
All 8 x pads were machined within 0.1mm/1m tolerance in an estimated timeframe with little disruption to the site’s processes. Our client is extremely pleased with the work completed and they are now operating smoothly due to BLJ’s technician’s capabilities and expert knowledge.